corso keynote espero

Corso Pages, Numbers & Keynote


In this three-day hands-on course, students become familiar with the key features and functionality of Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. Students work with real-world content and scenarios to learn practical approaches to creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Hanno già partecipato:

Ho seguito in FAD due corsi con Espero, mi sono trovato molto bene per la competenza, professionalità, disponibilità dei docenti come per l'organizzazione dei corsi on-line. Una società di formazione sicuramente molto valida.
Risposta del proprietario: Ciao Mauro, siamo felice che tu ti sia trovato bene con i nostri corsi. Ti aspettiamo in futuro per nuove opportunità di formazione.
Ho frequentato diversi corsi in Espero. Sono state tutte ottime esperienze di formazione con docenti preparati e disponibili. Lo staff è molto cordiale e le dotazioni in aula sono ottime.
Risposta del proprietario: Ciao Tea, grazie per questo tuo riscontro 😉 È stato un piacere conoscerti nelle nostre aule (virtuali e fisiche). Buona continuazione!
Ottimo polo di formazione, corsi completi sia nei contenuti che nei vari settori di competenza, staff professionale sempre disponibile a venire incontro a ogni esigenza o richiesta. Docenti e/o tutor impeccabili, preparati e pronti ad affiancarti nella formazione. Consigliato per rafforzare e completare il proprio percorso professionale
Risposta del proprietario: Ti ringraziamo, Marco! È stato davvero un piacere averti conosciuto. Ti facciamo un grande in bocca al lupo per il tuo futuro professionale! 😉

Il corso è rivolto a

  • This class is designed for anyone who wants to create professional-quality documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
Leggi i commenti di chi ha partecipato ai corsi Espero, scritti direttamente dai partecipanti su Google.
Leggi i commenti di chi ha partecipato ai corsi Espero, scritti direttamente dai partecipanti su Google.


Upon completion of the Pages, Numbers, and Keynote course, students will be able to:

  • Create engaging, informative documents that convey information clearly through the effective presentation of content, including rich media
  • Store, analyze, and present data in an informative and interactive format using formulas, charts and graphs, and rich media
  • Create influential presentations that incorporate photographs, diagrams, animations, and other rich media to connect with and engage the intended audience


  • Knowledge of OS X and basic computer navigation

Ecco cosa imparerai

Day 1

  • Getting Started
    • Learning methodology
    • Understanding course structure
    • System requirements
    • Downloading and installing lesson files
    • Additional resources
  • Discovering Common Features
    • Before you start
    • Opening Pages, Numbers, and Keynote
    • Swapping between open applications
    • Choosing themes
    • Editing text in Pages
    • Customizing your workspace
    • Repeating image styles
    • Reverting documents
    • Distributing your work
    • Working with tables
    • Illustrating data using charts
    • Adding comments
    • Adding photos
    • Adjusting layouts
    • Trimming a movie clip
    • Securing your files
  • Approaches to Word Processing
    • Creating a new document using a template
    • Customizing page design
    • Creating and applying styles
    • Saving styles for bullets and lists
    • Making a table of contents
    • Managing headers and footers
    • Changing the page order
    • Keeping headers with the following paragraph
    • Saving to Microsoft Word and PDF formats
    • Opening and editing a Word document
    • Tabulating text
  • Working with Charts and Data
    • Opening a Pages ’09 document
    • Using a table to add data
    • Formatting tables
    • Creating list structures
    • Presenting data using charts
    • Creating chart styles
    • Using footnotes and endnotes
    • Checking a document for errors
  • Designing a Brochure
    • Changing to page layout
    • Making a logotype
    • Changing page order
    • Enhancing images
    • Creating shape styles
    • Formatting table styles
    • Preparing for print
    • Taking part in a document review
  • Building Promotional Materials
    • Creating business cards
    • Making posters
    • Starting with a blank canvas
    • Defining placeholder images
    • Defining placeholder text
    • Saving designs as templates
  • Creating Rich Media ePubs
    • Preparing a document for ePub
    • Working with inline graphics
    • Creating character styles
    • Adding movies to Pages
    • Adding audio to Pages
    • Exporting to ePub
    • Previewing in iBooks

Day 2

  • Organizing Data Using Numbers
    • Assessing templates
    • Working with sheets
    • Making a budget sheet
    • Adding calculations
    • Working with multiple tables
    • Printing from Numbers
  • Making Interactive Spreadsheets
    • Opening and upgrading a Numbers ’09 document
    • Opening and editing an Excel workbook
    • Formatting tables
    • Referencing data
    • Evaluating data formats
    • Adding conditional highlighting
    • Using password protection
  • Making Customized Calculators
    • Understanding relative and absolute cell referencing
    • Concatenating cells
    • Sorting tables
    • Filtering tables
    • Making a pricing calculator
  • Illustrating Data Using Charts
    • Opening a CSV file
    • Creating a stacked bar chart
    • Making a mixed chart
    • Using interactive chart types
    • Showing a margin of error
    • Building a scatter chart
    • Saving a template
  • Outlining a Presentation
    • Creating a presentation
    • Customizing your workspace
    • Adding slides
    • Opening a PowerPoint presentation in Keynote
    • Recording and deleting slides
    • Working in outline view
    • Adding slide transitions
    • Using builds
    • Applying themes
  • Making Media-Rich Presentations
    • Making a slide background
    • Updating a paragraph style
    • Creating new slides by dragging files
    • Reordering slides using the light table
    • Using transitions to create moods
    • Adding an audio soundtrack
    • Controlling a presentation with builds
    • Layering objects with master slides
    • Build animations using actions
  • Developing a Custom Theme
    • Selecting master slides
    • Updating paragraph styles
    • Modifying image placeholders
    • Placing objects on master slides
    • Saving themes
  • Rehearsing and Delivering a Presentation
    • Playing a slideshow
    • Rehearsing a slideshow
    • Using an iOS device as a remote control
    • Recording a narrated, self-playing presentation
    • Creating a self-playing slideshow
    • Designing a presentation with links
    • Making Keynote handouts
    • Performing presentation preflight checks

Day 3

  • Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for iOS
    • Signing in to iCloud
    • Managing Pages documents in iOS
    • Formatting documents
    • Working with tables
    • Using Keynote for iOS
    • Adding photos and video
    • Setting a document password
  • Moving Between iOS, iCloud, and OS X
    • Opening an iOS document on your Mac
    • Moving a Mac document to iCoud Drive
    • Editing Pages without an Apple device
    • Using Numbers forms on iOS
    • Tidying up


Documentazione e attestati

  • Dispense di presentazione incluse nella quota corso
  • Manuale non incluso nella quota corso
  • Al termine il partecipante riceverà l’attestato di frequenza ufficiale


I docenti Espero sono certificati da Apple


Si consiglia di portare una chiavetta USB per copiare i lavori realizzati durante le esercitazioni in aula

Contatta i nostri professionisti:

Hai bisogno di ulteriori informazioni?
Contatta Valentine, Training Coordinator, e richiedi una consulenza personalizzata per individuare il percorso formativo più adatto a te.
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